A small group of U.S. lawmakers unveiled legislation on Thursday to withdraw from the North American Free Trade Agreement in the latest sign of congressional disillusionment with free-trade deals.
The bill spearheaded by Rep. Gene Taylor, Mississippi Democrat, would require President Barack Obama to give Mexico and Canada six months notice that the United States will no longer be part of the 16-year-old trade pact.
So the NAFTA leak from Harper's office that hurt Obama's campaign, and our government's actions for privatization, making all of our services open to NAFTA bids; could be for not.
We may instead be getting a six month notice from the U.S.
I certainly hope so. NAFTA has been horrible for Canada. And it would appear from the Reuter's article, that it hasn't been a walk in the park for the Americans either.
"At a time when 10 to 12 percent of the American people are unemployed, I think Congress has an obligation to put people back to work," Taylor said.
He argued NAFTA has cost the United States millions of manufacturing jobs and hurt national security by encouraging companies to move production to Mexico. The high unemployment rate makes it the "perfect" time to push for repeal even though past efforts have failed, he said.
"You'll see the American people rally behind this, in my humble opinion," said Rep. Walter Jones, a North Carolina Republican who is one of about 28 co-sponsors of the bill.
King Stephen's head will pop off if his precious NAFTA is abolished. And me? I'll be dancing in the street.
I may not have to work to get my Canada back after all. Maybe the Americans will just give it back. Do you think we could make one more deal though? Stephen Harper for future considerations?
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