Our economic recovery was hindered the day he took over the books.
Besides, as someone else pointed out, we had an election in the middle of the depression and a world war. We can handle an election now.
Finance Minister Jim Flaherty is warning against the risk of opposition parties triggering an "unnecessary" fall election that he says would jeopardize Canada's economic recovery "just as we enter the home stretch."The home stretch? We are nowhere near being on solid ground, but our chances will be better if we can get rid of this government and it's billions targeted for prisons, fighter jets and corporate tax cuts. That's more than half the deficit right there.
And Jimmy is also trying to frighten people about a coalition. These guys are really running out of ideas.
The Conservative government is ramping up its campaign-style warnings of a Michael Ignatieff-led coalition, painting a scorched-earth image of what a coalition government would do to the Canadian economy. In a luncheon speech to a business audience at Ottawa’s Chateau Laurier, Finance Minister Jim Flaherty said Canadians should be afraid of the financial consequences of a coalition government.Says the man presiding over the largest tax increases in decades. Of course all the tax increases were imposed on the working class. Heaven forbid he should go after the wealthy.
Repeating a line that is increasingly being used by Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Mr. Flaherty said the next campaign will present voters with a choice between a majority Conservative government and a de facto coalition majority government. “Under an Ignatieff-NDP-Bloc Québécois government, nothing would be safe,” Mr. Flaherty told a Canada Club business audience. “No part of our economy would be spared. No taxpayer would avoid the hit.”
Yep. This Bay Street lawyer is past his expiry date. Time to go Flaherty. We can't afford to keep you.
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