Friday, April 15, 2011

Ballot Box Thief a Conservative Staffer. Oh, My!

Well isn't this interesting? It turns out that ballot box thief who cried out "students at U of G voting is illegal", Michael Sona, is a Conservative staffer, assistant to James Moore. He looks like he's twelve.

Elections Canada is allowing the votes to stand
All party leaders are urging voters — especially young voters — to turn out in droves to cast a ballot on May 2.

But only one party appears to have an interest in driving down the participation of 18-to-24-year-olds in this campaign, says an expert on youth voting patterns. And now the Conservative Party is facing an allegation of election tampering after trying to have 700 votes cast by students earlier this week at the University of Guelph declared null and void.
And the Conservative candidate for Guelph may be in trouble himself for filming students waiting to vote. An absolute no, no.

1 comment:

  1. Ha. James Moore the "moderate" I looked for the original but it is not online. No third-party source, sorry.

    But of course when they see this -- look at the chart -- no wonder they are trying to prevent our children from voting.I have 2 aged 24 -- 25 on April 20 -- and 19.
