Once again the Harper government is in contempt of Parliament, this time for not releasing the costs of their new Wild West law and order agenda. The Opposition has a right to know, but more importantly, we have the right to know. The taxpayers who will be getting the bills.
Building quietly on Parliament Hill since November, the issue started when the opposition-controlled House finance committee began asking Finance Canada to hand over statistics on corporate profits – which had been made public in the past. The department denied the request, claiming the information was protected by cabinet confidentiality. In December, the committee received a similar answer from the Justice Department, saying the projected cost implications of the government’s crime bills was similarly privileged.How are they privileged? The Harperites forget that the government has no money. They only get to spend our money, and we are the only ones who should have the privilege of knowing where it's going.
Coming to their rescue is Scott Newark, a so-called security analyst, who claims that violent crimes are on the rise. Thank you Scott. But you fail to mention my dear that in February of 2006, you were hired by Stockwell Day, who gave you the title of senior policy advisor. And in another revolving door lobbying scandal, left to join the Northgate Group, just in time to begin work on a $312,400 contract awarded by Day's department. And that in fact, you were working for Day when the bidding closed on the contract.
Just how friggin' stupid do you think Canadians are?
For $300,000 you will try to instill fear in the public. Nice try.
I'm so sick of the corruption of this government. The lies, and the secrecy. Next election we need to go Egyptian. Their movement brought people from all walks of life and they won. The anti-prorogation rallies in Canada were the same, as were the prison farm protests.
Every Canadian sick to death of this nonsense has to join forces next election and walk like an Egyptian. That will be our battle cry. Peaceful but focused, armed with our ballots, with one goal in mind. Getting rid of neoconservatism and the Corporate Welfare State.
They pass a law allowing corporations to lie on their financial statements to lure potential investors (victims), but then create a law and order agenda that targets this country's most vulnerable citizens.
If crime really was on the rise, as this bogus think-tank suggests, then we need to go after the root causes of crime. Poverty and lack of education. Building prisons that will eventually be taken over by corporate interests is not the way to go.
Harper’s Crime Doggie an embarrasment
ReplyDeleteScott Newark, a former Harper government adviser who counts himself a contributor to the Conservatives' 2006 justice platform, released a 29-page study last week questioning Statistics Canada's methodology on compiling crime stats.
The wider academic community’s reviews are scathing.
"It's really badly done. It's embarrassing, actually," said Neil Boyd, a criminologist at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver.
"For anybody who follows what Statistics Canada puts out, it's a grossly unfair characterization. It mixes up key concepts...."
"That's what struck me. This is a highly politicized document that isn't paying attention to relevant data."
James Hackler, a criminology professor at the University of Victoria, wrote a letter to the Globe on Friday saying the study illustrates "ideological bias."
In an interview, Hackler said studies across the Western world clearly show crime rates in decline, although criminologists differ on the reasons.
Newark's study, he said, "is like saying the world is flat. This is not a credible report."