Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Reform Conservatives Prove Again They Have no Conscience

Actually, the video is probably the least of the horrendous ways that our current government has destroyed this country's integrity. They clearly lack any kind of moral compass. And remember, we paid the salary of the man with the camera.

So should we really be surprised that Harper's Reformers have been caught with their hands in the cookie jar again? However, this isn't about their criminal activities.

I wanted to share Lawrence Martin's column in the Globe and Mail, discussing just how poorly we are now viewed on the global stage. From partisan attacks with the Foreign press, to having developing nations walk out on our feeble climate change proposals; we are losing our place on the international stage.

Canada used to be the one with the global conscience

The awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to Barack Obama prompts a question. Where would the current Canadian Prime Minister finish in the Nobel committee's rankings? Would our guy, Stephen Harper, be short-listed, middle-ranked, long-listed or worse? If you guessed worse – as in the Nobel jurors wouldn't touch him with a barge poll – you've probably nailed it.

The Nobel priorities are disarmament, multilateralism, the extension of olive branches to adversaries etc. Those components were usually central to Canadian foreign policy ....

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