But the problem for Obama is that the liberal class in the U.S. had already been annihilated. We still have fragments in Canada, and I believe those fragments are in the process of joining together for a common cause.
Chris Hedges in his book Death of the Liberal Class, is critical of the Religious Left, for not renouncing the Religious Right, who now teach a doctrine of greed, hatred and bigotry.
But in Canada we still have hope.
A coalition of churches is now renouncing Harper's crime and punishment agenda.
Congregations of Christian churches across Canada are being asked to tell the federal Conservative government they don’t want to pay for its justice agenda. The Church Council on Justice and Corrections, a 39-year-old coalition for justice reform that represents 11 of the largest Christian denominations, has written a strongly worded letter to Prime Minister Stephen Harper condemning legislation that is expected to increase the number of convicts dramatically and require billions of dollars worth of prison construction.That's what I'm talking about. We need to stand in solidarity with these people.
There is also a planned labour rally:
Workers from across Ontario are to jam Hamilton’s core on Saturday to denounce both U.S. Steel and the foreign investment policies of the Harper government. The campaign, dubbed The People Versus U.S. Steel, condemns the company for locking out 900 Hamilton workers to back demands for pension concessions, and the Conservative government for allowing the company to purchase the former Stelco.That's what I'm talking about. We need to stand in solidarity with these people.
There is another group calling for a Canadian Department of Peace. Be sure to sign the petition. We need to stand in solidarity with these people.
Democracy Watch has launched a campaign. Have a Coffee Party for Good Government and Corporate Responsibility in Canada!
If Canadians spent as much time writing politicians about their concerns as they spend lining up to buy coffee, we would have the good, democratic governments and responsible big businesses we want.Unlike the Tea Party movement in the U.S., the Canadian Coffee Party movement is pushing only for well-researched and broadly supported changes that will make Canadian governments and big businesses operate more honestly, ethically, openly, representatively, efficiently and effectively.With a federal election likely soon, and provincial elections this fall in Manitoba, Newfoundland and Labrador, Northwest Territories, Ontario, Prince Edward Island and Saskatchewan, the window of opportunity is wide open for Canadians to elect politicians committed to making themselves, and big businesses, more accountable and responsible.That's what I'm talking about. We need to stand in solidarity with these people. But just changing governments won't be enough. We have to become good citizens, and keep government responsible, no matter who it is.
There is another excellent group called Leadnow, devoted to restoring our democratic principles. They are seeking input from everyone.
Leadnow will bring Canadians together to take action for our long-term interests and hold politicians accountable. We want to deepen our democracy, strengthen our communities, advance social justice, extend economic opportunity and protect our planet. Tell us - why do you want to see change in Canada?If we really want change, we have to be part of the change. Unions, churches, seniors, young people, students, veterans, women, gays, Muslims ... everyone who has been marginalized by this government must work together. Maybe a national day of strike during the election, if it's deemed to be warranted.
Remember the rallies for democracy during Harper's last self-serving prorogation?
We have got to wake this country up.
Take it away Grannies ...
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