I posted one of my photos from the Kingston rally, but clearly have not got the hang of my new camera. Most of my pictures were tops of buildings. And I think I can make YouTube videos. Oye.
This photo is from the Toronto protest.
There is now a second group just started up that is organizing another rally. You can join it here.
It's important, however, that we keep the dialogue going. Canadians have got to start minding their political store. We have allowed this prime minister to get away with far too much. Now that he's got a record deficit and has placed one of the most astute followers of Roger Douglas in charge of the treasury, there may be nothing left of this great nation. It's called Rogernomics and the message is "don't blink". Stockwell Day will never blink.
He is intrinsically evil, and is probably licking his lips as we speak.
Here are some talking points to share with anyone who will listen. I got them from the Liberal website:
Stephen Harper’s top twenty democratic abuses
January 23, 2010
1. Shutting down Parliament – twice – to get out of political hot water and avoid democratic scrutiny.
2. Firing nuclear whistleblower Linda Keen for her warnings about the Chalk River nuclear reactor.
3. Refusing to renew the contract of RCMP Public Complaints Commissioner Paul Kennedy after he was critical of the government.
4. Shutting down the Military Police Complaints Commission before Richard Colvin was set to appear and failing to renew the contract of Commissioner Peter Tinsley.
5. Using a “dirty tricks manual” to grind Parliamentary committee business to a halt.
6. Withholding information from the Elections Commissioner, which necessitated a police raid on Conservative Party Headquarters.
7. Breaking his own fixed election date law to call the 2008 election.
8. Refusing to provide adequate funding and independence to the Parliamentary Budget Officer.
9. Refusing to provide unredacted documents concerning the Afghan detainee scandal to Parliament after a motion ordering their disclosure was passed in the House of Commons.
10. Boycotting the Afghanistan committee by refusing to show up.
11. Attacking public servant Richard Colvin for doing his public duty to truthfully respond to questions from Parliament.
12. Breaking election promises to never run a deficit, appoint only elected Senators, to never raise taxes, and to increase the accountability of government.
13. Trying to eliminate political party financing in the 2008 Fall Economic Statement in a bid deprive political opponents of funding. (Actually, they are doing it again)
14. Scrapping the court challenges program that helped underfunded groups fight for constitutional rights.
15. Abandoning their promised Public Appointments Commission after their proposed watchdog, Conservative fundraiser Gwyn Morgan, was rejected.
16. Firing Canadian Wheat Board President Adrian Measner to undermine its independence.
17. Trying to amend Canada’s constitution to put term limits on Senate appointments and redistribute House of Commons seats – without first consulting the provinces.
18. Launching a lawsuit to hush-up the Cadman Affair into bribery allegations.
19. Refusing to disclose the time, date and location of Cabinet meetings.
20. Requiring media to be on a pre-approved list before they can ask the Prime Minister questions at press conferences.
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