Generate a bit of excitement, before they fade away into political oblivion.
These next four years, the focus will be on the Conservatives and the NDP. Harper will push through his agenda and the official opposition will be powerless to stop it. But if the Liberals protest loudly, rally advocates and make a lot of noise, they could very well launch the Progressive Revolution we hoped to have this election.
Canada's Conservative party is part of a movement. The NDP began as a movement but has became too political. Some of their supporters suggest they tap into J.S. Wordsworth, the founder of the party, so it's time the Liberals tapped into the Trudeau era, re-fighting battles we already won.
And Justin Trudeau would be the perfect leader. He's young, hard working, gorgeous, and has the name recognition required to generate the nostalgia required to get this country back on track.
Layton threw his lot in with the wrong person, and he'll have to deal with his error in judgement on his own.
Lawrence Martin believes that the Liberal Party must now turn to to their youth, as the path to renewal, and I agree.
It is said that Trudeau will never be accepted by the West and that he's too arrogant. But c'mom, few Liberals are accepted by the West, and it requires a bit of arrogance to become a politician, believing that you can get people to vote for you.
Michael Ignatieff has shown us that qualifications mean nothing. And the Layton "surge" showed us that people are into superficial. They'll vote for someone they've never seen or heard from, if it makes them feel good.
Choosing an older person to lead, means that they'll be four years older by the time the next election rolls around. Justin Trudeau will be 44. Just five years younger than his dad, when he became prime minister.
We can write the Conservative attack ads now, but who cares?
I hope the Party takes Martin's advise and chooses youth. If not, I see the party ending up in the political graveyard.
Okay, if Justin it is, I'll be right up in the front of the crowd, screaming and tearing my clothes...
ReplyDeleteWell, okay, I'll back him all the way. That's better.
I was never into Trudeaumania in the 60s, but I think P.E.T. was a fine Prime Minister, one of the very few Canadian Prime Ministers immediately recognizable on the world stage (maybe the only one).
Agreed that Justin Trudeau is all you said and four years will give him much needed experience, nonetheless the vicious attack ads against him could easily poison any chance for a successful national campaign. I would want to see and hear more from him before jumping on board. I admired and voted for his father (he was my MP) but I also remember getting quite annoyed by him at times. I can imagine that, to a non-supporter, he must have seemed like the Stephan Harper of his day. Of course, he was for building our country and not destroying it, so he could be forgiven for some of his sins.
ReplyDeleteI have been wondering about Carolyn Bennett. I do not know if she speaks French, but I have been very impressed by her in English. She is also not an old white man which has got to be a plus.
I like Carolyn Bennett but she is already a target. Everytime she speaks the Cons heckle her and she has become frustrated.
ReplyDeleteMy second choice would be Gerard Kennedy. He has a history with the Mike Harris crew when he was in the Ontario legislature and has held his own.
We have to remember that no matter who the Liberals select the Cons will try to destroy. Trudeau may be the best choice to give the appearance of being "vicitmized".
PET had an international reputation. One summer when visiting my aunt in Michigan, she arranged a litle get together, and all the women, young and old, wanted to talk about was Trudeau.
They were star struck even in the United States. Of course they had Nixon at the time.
And now they have Obama... and we have... Harper. Oh, how the worm has turned...
ReplyDeleteI have to say, when you start pondering Liberal possibilities, you are struck by how much bench-strength they have in comparison to the other parties. There are so many competent Liberals, many of whom could be good leaders. Who will be the right leader at this time?
I wonder whether Justin Trudeau has the commitment to be leader at this time because of his young family. I don't buy into the notion that Quebeckers will never vote for him: he was just elected in Quebec. And don't forget -- his wife is a pop culture icon in her own right. My husband and I have both been waiting for him to emerge, ever since he delivered the eulogy at his father's funeral. He made the hair stand on the back of my neck; I'll never forget it. Would the Cons trash him before his leadership legs have grown solid under him?
I'm also an unabashed fan of Rae's. I think he is savvy, good with people, and has valuable political experience. He's dealt with this crowd before, and recognizes the dangers. He's also more left of center than Martin or Ignatieff, which appeals to me.
It makes me uncomfortable that we don't know more about Dominic Leblanc. I just have a feeling that if he were truly a leader, he would have emerged naturally, and we would know him already...
I was a huge fan of Gerard Kennedy's -- until I heard him at the Liberal Leadership Convention. And I have read about how he is a micro-manager and don't get along well with his staff. That bodes ill in my book. And then there is the issue that he didn't get elected... That said, I agree with his positions on things, and think he holds enormous potential for the future.
From what I have seen, the best leaders and managers are good with people. Their staff love them, even if they are worked to the bone. Martin was hated at Finance and by bureaucrats -- he was insecure, and took out his insecurities on staff, screaming at staff in meetings, publicly berating and humiliating individuals. He was a micro-manager. You can't lead if you are too busy sweating the details.
Chretien on the other hand, got along with his staff. He had the reputation of being a good guy, of being fair and wise. He was an excellent manager, delegating to competent people.
Look at the stuff that emerged about both Dion and Ignatieff -- they were not well-connected with caucus; there was a distance, and so there was a lack of team spirit. As well, they took there own advice, and dismissed that of others. Yes, they led, but it was advice they should not have ignored, and they both lacked the judgement to see that.
I think Justin would make a very good leader from what I have seen; it comes to him naturally. He just doesn't have the experience of someone like Rae, would could be invaluable.
Still, I part of me is hoping for Elizabeth May :-)