Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Stephen Woodworth Uses Conservative-Speak to Try to Defend Prorogation. Allow me to Translate

Stephen Woodworth is the temporary Member of Parliament for Kitchener Centre.

And when I say temporary, I mean that he is one of the MPs that Catch 22 Harper Conservatives will be targeting for the next election, as part of taking our country back.

These Reformers have made a complete mess of things and after reading how Woodworth tried to defend his 2 1/2 month, taxpayer funded vacation, it's pretty clear, that he needs to go.

Despite the fact that his party tried to claim that no one cared, obviously people in Kitchener Centre cared enough that their MP felt the need to write a letter to the editor to answer questions.

He chose four, and I will translate his answers for you, since they are written in some kind of Orwellian doublespeak.

1. Question: Why should members of Parliament sit around doing nothing for an extra 22 sitting days from Jan. 25 to March 3?”

His Answer: During prorogation, members are not on vacation. Quite the contrary. Time in the riding is my opportunity to meet constituents who need assistance. I also attend community events and meet with groups. My advocacy for, and communications with, constituents continues whether I am in Ottawa or Kitchener.

Real Answer: It was important to eliminate those 22 days because if Parliament was sitting they would never have approved of a Buy America/Sell Canada plan that is one of the worst trade deals since the history of trade deals. Harper also made our health services part of NAFTA, so they will no longer be sustainable.

And with Parliament sitting they would have had 22 days to make sure that memos regarding the Afghan Detainee issue would have been presented to Parliament. 22 days to help restore Canada's honour, because this cowardly act means that our soldiers will wear this, despite the fact that it was our own government who made the decisions.

So Stephen I don't care if you spent the entire 2 1/2 months filling every bloody pothole in the city. Stephen Harper was wrong and if you support this than you are just as guilty. Doesn't Kitchener Centre deserve an MP who will stand up for Canadians, not sit down for the Conservative Party of Canada?

2. Question: “Will prorogation mean that work done on all the bills introduced in the last session will be lost?”

His Answer: This is a good question. However, of 63 government bills introduced in the House in the last Session, 31 are already law. Seventeen others were only introduced with no further action, 10 were referred to committee, with only five on a committee agenda. The remaining five were at the Senate ... and a whole bunch more malarkey.

Real Answer: The fact is that 37 bills were left on the table and this prorogation will cost taxpayers 55 million dollars.

3. “Isn’t it dictatorial and undemocratic to prorogue Parliament?”

His Answer: Prorogation is a routine, constitutionally-legitimate process. It has occurred 105 times in the last 143 years, an average of once every 16 months. The government has been given the right to set the agenda for the House – for good reasons. Jean Chretien prorogued four times. Pierre Trudeau prorogued 11 times. It’s probably more frequent in minority government .. blah, blah, blah ....

Real Answer - Prorogation itself is as routine as adjourning a meeting. What isn't routine is abuse of prorogation. In fact, an investigation revealed that in the Parliamentary system, and this includes, Australia, Britain, New Zealand, etc. prorogation only took place three times to save a prime ministers butt or avoid answering questions. All three were in Canada, two by Harper.

You didn't do your homework Stephen, and lying to your constituents is not getting you off to a good start.

4. “If Prime Minister Stephen Harper didn’t do this for partisan advantage, why did he do this?”

Another good question. Harper is well known as a leader who carefully considers his decisions. You can be sure that he realized prorogation would create partisan criticism and not any significant partisan benefit. So why did he do it?

I find our prime minister to be exceptionally bright, forward-thinking with clear principles — which balance rights with obligations; which try to find the balance between care and cost ... blah, blah, blah, ... world-wide recession, ... blah, blah, blah, global economic melt-downs ... blah, blah, blah .... Late in 2008 an economic crisis that no one predicted occurred ... blah, blah, blah ... Canada’s Economic Action Plan ... blah, blah, blah ....

The Real Answer - Everyone but Stephen Harper saw the economic crisis coming. And while other countries are protecting their economic future, Stephen Harper and his muse Jim Flaherty, started buying up worthless pieces of paper, known as sub-prime mortgages. The Financial Post recently called Canada the Fanny Mae of the finance world.

And as to that Canada's Economic Action Plan, it was nothing more than a PR stunt. 150 million dollars worth of advertising for the Conservatives, and very little actual work being done. In fact most of the action was putting up over 50 million dollars worth of signs. Only about 13% of the funds can be found and we are still missing two billion dollars from the last time.


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