I decided to send feedback to clarify a couple of points he made, especially when suggesting that Harper prorogued to halt investigations into "abuses of Afghan prisoners by Canadian soldiers..."
Hi Mr. Rapley.
I really enjoyed this column, but wanted to make a couple of corrections and elaborate on a couple of points.First off and this one is huge: this was not about investigations into "abuses of Afghan prisoners by Canadian soldiers." It was about our own government's decision to not monitor detainees, despite the fact that they were repeatedly warned that these prisoners, including many civilians, were severely tortured or simply
disappeared.Our soldiers knew about the Geneva convention and tried to work outside of government. In one case they immediately took a prisoner back and in many others took photos before handing them over. The soldiers want a full public inquiry, because Mr. Harper is trying to make them wear the shame.
I also wanted to clarify Canadian discontent with the Harper government. For four years he has systematically positioned himself so as not to have to answer to the Canadian public. His latest move was only the straw that broke the camel's back. And yes it awoke an apathetic nation.
The rallies came about because one young man, Christopher White, decided he'd had enough and started a Facebook group called Canadians Against Proroguing Parliament. I was one of the early members, and we are now almost a quarter of a million strong.
We have also moved beyond a single issue and mobilized to take our country back. Stephen Harper has taken us down a road that it is unfamiliar to a nation that once prided itself on an even handed approach to foreign policy, and a desire to look after it's citizens.
We are ashamed of his environmental policies, or lack thereof. We are ashamed of the way he represents us on the international stage. And we are ashamed that we could be seen as being complicit in war crimes, when this boils down to the actions of a government not acting in our best interests.
He has kept an iron fisted control on the media, banning anyone who dares to ask a question not on 'his' list; and does not allow his elected members of Parliament to speak with anyone. As a result the Canadian public is often unaware of what is happening right under their noses.
CAPP now has more than 25,000 links and in a very short period of time we've snapped those muzzles right off. We are now informed and motivated to take our country back one vote at a time.
So even if the Liberals did screw up, Harper will not be our go to guy.
You should check us out. You don't have to join but just peruse. I think you will be quite surprised.There is a continuous feed of information, that should sink this right-wing movement for good. Any Pollster would give his eye teeth for something like this, and it was all done by citizens who now see hope where there was none before.
Emily Dee
Pushed to the Left and Loving It
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