That we are complacent and perhaps even a tad boring; my interpretation of his words, not verbatim.
I, in turn, suggested that he needed to get out more.
So it was nice to read in today's Globe that CAPP was finally starting to be taken seriously, as a group that could exact real change in the way that this country is being governed.
Some great comments at the end as well, so be sure to read them.
Globe editorial
Civic reinvolvement
With shenanigans in Ottawa proceeding apace, some public agitation against prorogation is welcome and necessary
Globe and Mail
February 10, 2010
Those Facebook-convened Canadians Against Proroguing Parliament failed to change Stephen Harper's mind, but their sentiment endures. There is a national appetite, and this is a national moment for a new movement advocating democratic accountability in Canada. It will succeed if it casts the widest
possible net ....
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