Our very own Lawrence Cannon. Who'd a thunk it? I mean besides me.
But as Larry is denying having any knowledge of the plot, claiming he never saw the warning letter, evidence reveals that he is lying ... Again!
Not only did he get the letter but he almost immediately put two of his cronies on the board to make sure the agency spun their findings his way. Better known as Hagee 101.
Cannon was told of trouble at agency
Rights and Democracy president wrote minister in November warning of 'divisions'
February 11, 2010
Bruce Campion-Smith Ottawa bureau chief
IS THIS REALLY YOUR CANADA?OTTAWA–Foreign Affairs Minister Lawrence Cannon was warned last November that brewing troubles at Montreal-based Rights and Democracy risked becoming an "embarrassment" for the government and would give Canada a black eye on the world stage.
In a letter that would later prove prescient, Remy Beauregard, then president of the agency, wrote Cannon saying that the board of directors was facing "deep divisions." He pleaded for an urgent meeting to lay out his case....
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