CAPP members and other interested citizens protested the prime ministers appearance at the BC legislature yesterday.
Feeling that it was wrong for him to shut down our Parliament because of the Olympics, but then make time to address the legislature of the province doing the actually hosting, was a slap in the face, and we wanted to voice our displeasure.
But guess what? In true coward's fashion, he set up a fake motorcade, then tunneled himself underground, once again refusing to address the Canadian people.
This is no longer good enough. We have no media, no elected representatives, and clearly no democracy.
It did get some media coverage though:
Harper speech draws hundreds of protesters
By Judith Lavoie,
Times Colonist
February 11, 2010
VICTORIA - Pick your cause — democracy, seal slaughter, oilsands, safe-injection site, saving Jordan River or medical cannabis.
All were represented Thursday at a diverse demonstration at the legislature, where about 300 protesters chanted and waved placards, hoping to briefly catch the eye of Prime Minister Stephen Harper.
IS THIS REALLY YOUR CANADA?Security was not as heavy as some had expected, with only a handful of police keeping watch over the protest. However, demonstrators had no chance of getting close to Harper as he was whisked away in a motorcade while they lined the driveway chanting “Democracy Now” and “Whose house? Our house.” ...
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