He will try to convince them that the economy comes first, despite the fact that our economy certainly does not come first with him.
So all his talk about going to Copenhagen to address this, was all talk. He'll go for the photo-ops, but not much else.
The above is from the Liberal Party's 'anywhere but Copenhagen contest'. You can check it out here. Some of them are very funny and very creative. This is one of my favourite's.
Harper Says Global Recovery Must Precede Environment
By Rob Delaney
Dec. 7 (Bloomberg)
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper said he will use Canada’s co-chairmanship of next year’s Group of 20 countries meeting to urge members to put economic recovery before efforts to protect the environment.
“Without the wealth that comes from growth, the environmental threats, the developmental challenges and the peace and security issues facing the world will be exponentially more difficult to deal with,” Harper said in an address to South Korea’s National Assembly.
Harper is in Seoul, his last stop on an Asian tour, to discuss with South Korean President Lee Myung-Bak how the G20 conference they’re co-chairing in Canada will advance efforts to coordinate a global recovery. The remarks were made ahead of global climate change talks starting today in Copenhagen.
Toronto will host the next G20 summit on June 26 and 27, and the following summit will be in Seoul in November, Lee and Harper said today in their meeting.
Participants at the Copenhagen conference, including Lee, Harper and U.S. President Barack Obama, said last month that their original goal of completing a climate accord at the meeting was out of reach.
About 190 nations will gather in the Danish capital until Dec. 18 to set a framework for a treaty to curb emissions blamed for global warming. Talks have been slowed by differences between industrialized nations such as the U.S. and developing countries, including India and China, over emissions-reduction targets and how much financial help rich nations should provide to poor ones.
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