Friday, May 6, 2011

So the Conservative Resource Group is Doing All Polling Now?

Has it puzzled anyone else, that the voice heard most often, and quoted the most by the media, is coming from a group called Ensight Canada?

Ensight is a spin-off of the Conservative Resource Group, the central PR hub of the Conservative Party of Canada.

How are we supposed to be believe a word they say? Put Harper on a short leash? We couldn't put him on a short leash when he had a minority. How in the hell do we leash him now?

Rick Dykstra says his government plans to render even the short form census useless, so I expect we'll have groups like Ensight telling us how we should feel or what we should do.

Canadians don't want public healthcare.

Canadians don't want peace.

Canadians are pleased that they are no longer respected on the world stage.

Canadians don't want action on climate change.

Obviously, they can make us believe anything, so give it time. Welcome to Tea Party Canada.


  1. Oh, great, they're controlling the pollsters. We should have known.

  2. “Just look at us. Everything is backwards; everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information and religions destroy spirituality” --Michael Ellner!

  3. “Just look at us. Everything is backwards; everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information and religions destroy spirituality” --Michael Ellner!

  4. Call Elections Canada on the CBC skew , that saw some stay home or change votes in a close race in Toronto. Many are doing it and saying a re vote is in order at CBC expense
    Answer to stop leaks or skew
    Wait perhaps 12 hours after all polls close to start the count. Why the need of a not count ?
    This would make tweets and Media skew in effective !

  5. Very interesting. I'd like to see someone take a closer look at Ensight.

    And of course Lietaer worked on Harper's campaign too.

  6. By the by, both the authors of this "study" are former Harris government insiders and then Harper insiders. And Watt is a convicted fraudster, a la Bruce Carson:

  7. Canadian voters are becoming like lazy to really research candidates but watch all attack ads and vote accord to the tube. US of Canada?

  8. I recognized Jamie Watt, and the vile and filthy hands of the conservatives in the piece in the Globe and Mail. We will be subjected to this propaganda constantly, now. How long before they put huge Harper posters on the sides of large buildings and loudspeakers with tinny-voiced women spouting the party line?
