Climatologist Andrew Weaver is upset with Harper's latest maneuvering to make sure that Canada
does absolutely nothing to address climate change.
Having tried, in vain, to peel a spitting-mad Andrew Weaver off the ceiling, I ask Canada's best-known climate scientist whether he ever feels like chucking it all in and stomping off to a quiet corner with a bottle of Jack Daniel's. "Absolutely," he says. "Retiring with a bottle of Jack Daniel's sounds good right now." It's 8:23 a.m.
Listening to Weaver, it's hard to know what he's angrier about, the fact that Stephen Harper's Conservatives just sabotaged climate-change legislation, or the sneaky way in which they did it.
Stephen Harper. The gift that keeps on giving.
The UVic climatologist, sputtering words like "unbelievable" and "dictator" and "shocking affront to democracy," says he hopes the opposition will force Harper's minority government to fall. "He's got to get kicked out. This is Canada, not Zimbabwe . . . or maybe it is. "It's all about not wanting to do anything about the issue," Weaver says of the Senate sabotage. It's about pandering to the oil industry, to the Conservatives' Alberta power base.
I'd love to know how much money this government has spent sabotaging environmental policy. When Herr Harper went to Copenhagen he tool along a
group of oil company execs (at our expense). Dined with the Queen of Denmark and then came home.
we wonder why Canada won the "
Colossal Fossil" award.
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