One of our amazing political activists, Grace Noël has started a campaign of sending pink slips to Stephen Harper, via all party leaders and the mainstream media. You can also send them to your MP.
I'm not sure if a link to Grace's page will work if you're not on her 'friends' list, but the image she created is here:
You can drag and drop it in an email to party leaders and copy to the media. Grace has prepared a lists.
Mainstream Media:
We also got a great plug for our online activism from the Hook:
And the C.R.U.S.H. ad has brought in a lot of new members.The Victoria chapter of a national group that sprang up to oppose prime minister Stephen Harper’s proroguing parliament is morphing into an ongoing pro-democracy movement.
“Ironically, the extreme cynicism of Harper’s original action created the opposite result, bringing people who had been disengaged back into the discussion,” said Craig Ashbourne, one of the Victoria organizers of Canadians Advocating Political Participation, which has grown out of the group Canadians Against Proroguing Parliament.
We will get our country back one vote at a time.
Thank you. I'm glad you like it.