Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Is Rick Santorum Getting Fashion Tips From Stephen Harper?

Social Conservative candidate Rick Santorum, surprised everyone by coming close to beating Mitt Romney in Iowa, finishing just 8 votes behind.  Up to now he has flown under the radar as "surges" went from Rick Perry to Herman Cain to finally Newt Gingrich.

The media is now paying attention and one thing that they are paying attention to is Santorum's choice of costume, or should I say uniform.

The dreaded sweater vest.  Apparently it signifies the Social Conservative dream of life before the civil-rights movement. Who knew?  I thought it just meant they were dorks.

Not all Republicans are thrilled with Romney's victory, feeling that he is being rammed down their throats, because as a moderate, he may be the best choice to beat Obama.  Don't they know that the true conservative would rather lose the election than sacrifice their conservative "values"?

The Religious Right is throwing all of their weight behind the only "conservative" left standing, meaning that the very strange Santorum could very well win this thing.

I doubt he'd have a chance in hell of becoming president, but who knows?  Stranger things have happened.  Just look who we have as prime minister.


1 comment:

  1. The dreaded sweater vest comment made my day. It's a good thing I wasn't drinking anything at the time.

    Seriously though, it would be great if he won the nomination. Obama would eat him for lunch.
