Pro-lifers who support a nuclear attack in the Middle East are hardly pro-life, but "forgive them for what they do."
Did I mention they like George Bush?
Thank you so much Stephen Harper for bringing this filth to Canada. But just think of the lovely snap shots you can put on your "I really love myself" wall.
Huge anti-abortion rally hails Canada’s new foreign-aid stand
Biggest-ever pro-life rally puts abortion debate on Harper’s doorstep
Susan Delacourt
Toronto Star
May 13, 2010
“These are tangible, visible threads… we are moving toward a culture of life in Canada,” said Carl Anderson, a former adviser to U.S. president Ronald ReaganI wish they'd put this kind of effort into a peace rally.
as well as to the Vatican.
“Under President (George W.) Bush, we had the Mexico City policy, which prohibited exporting abortion. As you know, with President Obama, he repealed that policy,” Janet Morana, founder of a pro-life group called Silent No More, told reporters in Ottawa on Thursday morning.
I heard they were also confiscating all the shoes of women on the Hill. They won't need them where they're going - right back to the kitchen!!!!
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