Saturday, October 31, 2009

Did You Ever Wonder What Stephen Harper's Private Health Care Plan Might Look Like?

For $2300.00 you can go to a private clinic in Toronto and get the H1N1 shot without waiting.

Welcome to our future.

I went to a clinic today run by my doctor and his colleagues. Got my shot, was in and out in less than 15 minutes, and it didn't cost me a dime.

This is highway robbery. If they can get the vaccines why can't average Canadians?

Anna Mehler Paperny
The Globe and Mail
October 31, 2009

As Canadians from coast to coast line up for hours awaiting H1N1 flu vaccinations amid continuing short supply and growing public concern, tens of thousands of patients registered with at least one private Toronto clinic can make appointments to receive shots for themselves and their family members.

Medcan, a private clinic in downtown Toronto, bills itself as a “preventive health-care clinic” and provides extensive medical, counselling and nutritional services, including its signature service: A comprehensive, head-to-toe “executive” medical checkup that costs upward of $2,000.

And now, the 40,000 patients in Medcan's database are also eligible to make appointments for the sought-after H1N1 vaccine.

Medcan received a shipment of 3,000 shots of adjuvanted H1N1 vaccine from Toronto Public Health Friday, and the clinic's medical director James Aw said phones have been ringing off the hook and e-mails piling up with requests for appointments.

The clinic won't charge for the H1N1 vaccine, but is only offering it to its clients - all of whom must undergo the $2,300 head-to-toe medical checkup as a prerequisite for joining the clinic's patient roster.


  1. You do realize it's the provincial Liberals who are the ones in charge of allowing those private health care services, right?

  2. The stage for that was set by Tony Clement when Mike Harris was in charge. We didn't call him 'Two-Tier Tony' because he liked cake.

    Scrapping the Canada Helath Act has always been first and formost on Harper's mind.
