Stephen Harper has also spoke of his 'big tent', but unlike Michael Igantieff's; Harper's would only provide shelter to right wing thinkers, while the rest of us were viewed as the enemy.
In three short years he has alienated most of this nation's citizens, and we have got the message loud and clear. KEEP OUT!
I watch a lot of political commentary shows on both sides of the border; and much discussion centres around the death of conservatism; in particular, in the U.S. Like the Conservative Party of Canada, the Republican ‘big tent’, which should have brought more Americans into the fold, instead closed the door to a growing list of what they deemed to be ‘undesirables’. As a result, they are now barely breathing.
Many are blaming it on the Religious Right, but I don’t think they can share it all; anymore than the Reform/Alliance can shoulder the burden for the internal strife that the Canadian version of the movement is now experiencing.
The problem for parties left of centre, is competition; which in turn creates a problem for conservative voters, because there is no competition. They can voice their disapproval over the handling of the economy, and the move away from the founding principles, but where do they go? They just have to suck it up and try not to complain too loudly for fear that they could drive voters to the ‘evil’ Liberals.
But what if the Liberal Party isn’t as evil as they once thought? There was a recent editorial in our local paper that suggested Stephen Harper was becoming a Liberal, while Michael Ignatieff was becoming a Conservative. A recent poll suggested that Harper has little chance of gaining ground from the left; and in fact seems more worried about losing ground from the right; hence, his falling back on ‘Faith, Family and Freedom’.
Reading comments on conservative blogs and forums, there is a definite ‘us vs them’ mentality. But shouldn't those ‘us’, try to lure those ‘them’, and not drive them away; especially since there are a great many votes from the ‘centre’ now at play?
Like the Republicans, the Conservative Party of Canada has become one of exclusion:
- If you believe in the founding principles of Christianity: peace, love, mercy, tolerance and sharing the wealth, you can’t be a Conservative.
- If you are a Muslim, you can’t be a Conservative.
- If you are an Arab-Canadian, you can't be a Conservative.
- If you believe the Cold War is over, you can't be a Conservative.
- If you respect Canada's Multiculturalism, you can't be a Conservative.
- If you believe in global warming, you can’t be a Conservative.
- If you believe in evolution, you can’t be a Conservative.
- If you are pro-choice, you can’t be a Conservative.
- If you are gay, you can’t be a Conservative.
- If you believe in equal marriage, you can’t be a Conservative.
- If you support gun control, you can't be a Conservative.
- If you support the arts, you can’t be a Conservative.
- If you don’t believe it’s OK to attack homosexuals publicly, you can’t be a Conservative.
- If you believe pot should be legalized, you can’t be a Conservative.
- If you belong to a union or support unions, you can’t be a Conservative.
- If you believe in equal rights for women, you can’t be a Conservative.
- If you believe in pay equity for women, you can’t be a Conservative.
- If you now or have ever been a member of the Liberal Party, you can’t be a Conservative.
- If you use the word ‘liberal’ not preceded by ‘arrogant’ or followed by ‘pricks’, you can’t be a Conservative.
- If you believe that everyone is entitled to a fair trial, you can’t be a conservative.
One or two of these infractions will only put you on probation, but three or more, forget about it. They simply do not want you.
They have become a party of the self-righteous and continually give those of us not fans of the current government, little reason to aspire to become one. We have options, but they’ve clearly indicated to us, that they have no desire to be one of those options.
If Micahel Ignatieff can turn his party into one of ‘inclusion’ by not limiting the criteria - it just might work. I hope so. I want my Canada back.
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